Dear Project ATX6 Patrons -
Give Peace A Chance | Recording Session | Invitation to Contribute
On September 24th, 2018, Project ATX6, the Band of Heathens, the Ebenezer Church Gospel Choir, and Austin School of Rock will team up to record John Lennon and Yoko Ono's timeless song, Give Peace A Chance. We want to include YOU in the unprecedented rerecording of this timeless classic. Austin Festival Express is our partner (pending 501c3) non-profit where you can make this immediate tax deductible contribution. See link below.
The Backstory: In February, Project ATX6 musicians will represent Austin music community at Folk Alliance International in Montreal. This festival & conference is held at the very same Fairmont Queens Hotel where John Lennon and Yoko Ono conducted the infamous "bed in" peace protest. This Fairmont Queens Hotel is also where they wrote the song, Give Peace A Chance. We intend to bring this song with us to promote and showcase at the festival.
We are looking to a small list of private patrons within Austin's music community to help us make this recording session possible. Our budget for the recording, production, filming, editing, publicity, promotion, and artist payments totals $15,000. We're looking for your help in connecting with new fans of this project. Small contributions will enable us to host the session, include the musicians, release the film, and the song on vinyl.
On September 24th,
the 2018 Project ATX6 musicians, the Band of Heathens,
and Austin School of Rock
will be teaming up to record John and Yoko’s
Give Peace a Chance,
at the legendary Arlyn Studios.
This recording session will be filmed for documentary purposes, and
recorded for the production of a vinyl album that will be released in at Waterloo Records in January 2019.
We are opening this recording session to music patrons in exchange for helping us cover the session expenses and the vinyl production. This small, intimate gathering will be an excellent opportunity to hang with the Band of Heathens and witness the work of these great musicians. Reserve your spot in the room by making a tax deductible donation.
$500 | Patrons
(4 spots remaining)
• Receive an invitation (for you and 1 guest) to the recording session
featuring the Band of Heathens, Project ATX6, and Austin School of Rock;
• Drinks and snacks will be provided by our partners;
• You will be credited by name as a Patron on the finished vinyl art work
and in the documentary;
• Receive a digital photo journal of the Recording Session;
• Receive an autographed copy of this limited edition
vinyl album.
• Two Tickets to the ATX6 Finale Concert at the Stateside Paramount Theatre
If you cannot attend, but wish to participate:
$250 | Patrons
(unlimited available)
• Credited in the vinyl artwork and in the documentary film;
• Receive a digital photo journal of the recording session;
• Receive an autographed copy of the limited edition
vinyl record.
Follow the link below to become a patron of Project ATX6 or
email director, Chris Brecht @ cb@atx6.com:
Thank you for your generous support of the Project ATX6 vision.
Download the
Session PDF